• What Was In There?!? Some Of The Oddest And Creepiest Things You Can (Legally) Store In A Self Storage Unit

    Self storage facility proprietors have seen some very strange things left in old storage units. Only in very rare cases have illegal items been found. However, that does not seem to stop people from attempting to store some of the strangest things ever. Here is a list of the oddest things you can (legally!) store in your self-storage unit. Ashes of Dead Relatives While it might be in very poor taste, you can store the ashes of your dead relatives in their urns in your storage unit.
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  • 5 Reasons To Use Same Day Delivery Services For Your Business

    If you manage or run a business, you know how difficult it is to stay on top of your schedule. There are so many moving parts between employees, inventory, customers, and vendors. Your delivery service should be a seamless extension of your business. It is a great idea to take advantage of receiving packages from your clients using same day delivery, even if you have to pay for it. Here's why:
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  • Cutting-Edge Digital Business Signage

    The first and foremost job of effective business signage is to attract customer attention. One of the latest trends in business signage is animated digital signs in the shape of people and characters. These signs are attracting a lot of customer attention and press coverage.  These two-dimensional, animated signs are shaped like men, women, children, animals, and even cartoon characters that actually speak to potential customers and viewers. The character-shaped signs are free-standing and range in size from 12 inches to 6 feet high.
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  • 3 Tips For Refrigerator Maintenance

    Refrigerators are one of those appliances that you tend to take for granted since they're always there. But when your fridge suddenly doesn't seem to be cooling as well or just isn't working properly, then the reality of purchasing a new one sets in. The good news is that there are some things you can do to keep your refrigerator running well for many more years than you ever thought possible.
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  • 5 Tips For Your Storefront Signs

    When seeing your business for the first time, the storefront is what makes a lasting impression on customers, investors, and colleagues. How well are you advertising your business with your current signage? Is it doing justice to the value of your goods and services? If you're like most store owners, there are many things you could do to improve your storefront signs. And it is one of the most beneficial things you can invest in when it comes to marketing and lead generation.
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  • Two Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs A Storage Unit

    If you're a small business owner, you understand the value of space.  While your company is in the growing stage, you may find that you lack this valuable commodity, causing you to place items in areas that could be peopled with paying customers.  However, it doesn't have to be this way if you know what to do.  Renting a storage unit is the perfect way for you to free up space in your facility so that you can continue to expand.
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  • Business Owners: Five Benefits Of Putting Film On Your Windows

    If you own a business, you may want to consider putting film on your windows. With sun blocking film on your windows, you will receive many of the advantages received by homeowners as well as many other advantages. Here are just a few of the benefits for business owners to consider: 1.  Help with LEED certification If you are trying to earn LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification for your building – there are certification programs available for both new construction and existing buildings – window film can help.
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  • Promoting Your Store By Using Vehicle Signs

    When you want to advertise your store in a different way, you should look into using electronic vehicle signs. In many cases, you can use these signs to let more people know about your store in a creative and simple way. Exposure Using cars to advertise your business offers you the ability to advertise your store in more areas around town. When considering this type of marketing, you want to pick individuals that drive a lot and live in different areas.
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  • When It Comes To HVAC, Size Matters

    When you go shopping for a new car, you already know that bigger does not necessarily mean you will get a better ride. You certainly do not head over to the tanks at the military base and insist that you would be better off driving one. And yet, this is precisely what a lot of people do when they look to buy a new furnace or air conditioning condenser. They assume that a bigger unit means better heating and air conditioning.
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