Septic Tank Maintenance Information Specifically Geared For Rural Homeowners

Posted on: 26 January 2022

Moving to a rural setting is a dream that many city dwellers share. But living in a rural setting can lose some of its dream-like aura when new rural homeowners realize that they are solely responsible for their home's entire septic system, from the toilet to the drain field. If you are planning to move to a rural home in the near future and would like to acclimate as easily as possible, this information about septic tank maintenance can help you feel more confident with your new responsibilities. 

Take advantage of a septic tank inspection 

When buying a rural residence, a septic tank inspection is often part of the home purchase process. In addition to status information about the system, this initial inspection can be helpful in providing important information about the location, size, and age of the existing septic tank and the drain field that it feeds into.

In addition to this initial inspection, rural homeowners will want to continue having periodic inspections of their septic tank, typically at yearly intervals. By investing in an annual septic tank inspection, rural homeowners will be much more likely to be notified of developing issues with the septic tank that could affect the capacity or efficiency of the entire septic system. 

Develop a proactive septic tank pumping schedule 

Rural homeowners should also plan on committing to a proactive septic tank pumping schedule to help prolong the lifespan and efficiency of the septic system. Since the amount of waste produced in the home is unique for each household, rural homeowners will want to enlist the help of an experienced septic tank maintenance professional in deciding how often their septic tank should be pumped out. It is important to note, however, that having an established schedule for pumping may not remove the need for additional pumping services, especially in instances where an increase in household size or other factors are creating substantially more waste for the septic system to process. 

Be watchful for important condition clues

As part of maintaining a residential septic system, rural homeowners will also need to learn to be watchful for situations that could indicate a problem is developing. Clues such as standing water, muddy areas, or sewage smells in the area of the septic tank can indicate that the septic tank or other component of the system is in need of maintenance or repairs.

To learn more about taking care of an on-site septic system, take time to discuss your questions and concerns with a septic tank maintenance professional in your area. 
