Selling In A Competitive Market? 3 Reasons To Order A Home Inspection Now

Posted on: 13 October 2020

When you are thinking carefully about listing your home for sale, there are a lot of things you probably want to check off your to-do list. However, in addition to picking up children's toys and weeding those front flower beds, you should also think about scheduling a pre-listing home inspection. Here are three reasons you should order a home inspection sooner rather than later. 

1. Get Your Place Ready Faster

While many homeowners spend time going through their home to determine which projects are the most pressing, a home inspection makes it easy to decide where to start. If your home inspection turns up a slow leak that has eroded the flooring in your bathroom, you can work with a plumber the next day to start sorting things out. By tackling problems early, you can prepare your home for pictures and walk-throughs sooner, which can be helpful when there will be lots of other homes on the market. 

2. Build Customer Confidence 

When you have a home inspection in hand, you can show potential buyers just how seriously you take their health and happiness. Sellers can choose to disclose the contents of a home inspection, giving buyers the opportunity to understand the property on a more detailed basis before even placing an offer. This level of transparency is powerful, and could help to sway buyers to pay what you deem is a fair price for the property. As an added bonus, getting an inspection beforehand makes it easy to compare notes if they order one of their own. 

3. Avoid Closing Delays

Sometimes, uncovering a hidden problem with a home can drastically delay the closing of a house. Buyers may demand that the issue is repaired to their satisfaction before moving forward with the deal, or sellers may find themselves trying to come up with the cash they need to fix something in a few days to keep things on track. However, when you understand the condition of your home, you can avoid delays, allowing the deal to move along as seamlessly as possible. 

Schedule a house inspection as soon as possible, and make sure you understand exactly what the inspector plans to tackle while they are at your home. Ask your inspector if they offer infrared scanning so you can check for cold spots, insulation problems, or hidden water damage. Make sure you know how long it will take to get the inspection report back, especially if you need to sell your humble abode sooner, rather than later. 

Reach out to a professional who provides home inspection services to get started. 
