Selecting Ergonomic Office Furniture

Posted on: 29 January 2015

When picking out new office furniture for your employees, you will want to consider their comfort. Ergonomics should be a big part of your choice so your employees are able to work without pain or difficulty. Here are some of the types of ergonomic-friendly furniture you can choose from when picking out new furniture for your business.

Why Ergonomic?

Ergonomics is the process of arranging furniture in a way in which the user is able to use it efficiently and comfortably. It is a very important aspect to keep employees productive and pain-free when doing their job. If your employees are happy with their furniture set-up, you will be able to enjoy having them work to their fullest potential without them needing time off for ailments due to poor work conditions.

Desk Area

The desk is one area where your employees will spend much of their time. When you pick out a desk for your office setting, you will want to make sure the height is appropriate for the stature of the person using it. You will want the chair to be able to fit underneath the desk easily, without restriction.

One new trend in the office is to have sit-stand desks available for employees. These will help limit the amount of time an employee sits at a desk when doing their job, helping to alleviate many health risks including back and neck pain. The computer monitor and keyboard are able to be moved easily so the employee can work in a standing position when desired.

Office Chairs

The chairs you pick for your employees may be the piece of furniture you should pay the most attention to. If a chair is not ergonomically pleasing, your employees can suffer from pain from straining to see their computer. Adjustable lumbar support and the ability to adjust the seat depth are important aspects when picking out a chair. You will want to find something that has wheels so it can move easily when an employee is reaching for something on their desk. Look for padded seating with headrests to give even more comfort.

Keyboard Tray/Monitor Arm

When working at a computer all day, having an adjustable keyboard tray can mean the difference between a fast typist or someone with pain in their wrist muscles and tendons. A keyboard tray will allow the keyboard to come closer to the employee without them having to strain to reach the keys. A monitor arm is also a help as it will allow the employee to position the monitor where it is comfortable on the neck and eyes to see. It can be swiveled in different directions depending on the task the employee is working on.

Keep these things in mind while you go shopping for commercial office furniture
